
Imagination-mental process, creativity-physical outcome

Imagination are implicit within creativity. (Implicit-implied though not plainly expressed.) p.8


Creative behaviour-constructive behaviour which emphasises generativity (generate + originality) in thought, rater than position adoption.(观点)  (p.20)

Innovation-implementation of new ideas to create something of value, proven through its uptake in the marketplace. 

老师教书大部分是innovative teaching, 在已有的基础上,使用新的教学法。非自己创造的教学法

High creativity-the achivement of something remarkable and new, somehing which transforms and changes a field of endeavor in a significant way...the kinds of things that people do that change the world. 

Little C creativity-Ordinary but lifewide attitude toward life that is driven by "possibility thinking" but is about acting effectively with flexibility, intelligence and novelty in the veryday rather than the extraodinary. p.19

Creative Behaviour-suspension of judgement, other strategies may follow. 

Creative action-actually doing new things

Teaching for creativity involves teaching creatively. Young people's creative abilities are most likely to be developed in atmosphere in which the teacher's creative abilities are properly engaged. 


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